Take a Tour of Your New Task Management System ~ We Use Trello with Full Transparency so You Know Your Work Is Moving!
Trello Tour : We Offer You Full Accountably and Transparency
It's not enough to hand off your task flow to virtual assistants or any company for that matter, without some form of communication, and knowing what tasks are being worked on and which ones have been completed.
When you take this tour of our task management system, you will see common and custom workflows. We customize your tasks and work on what you need to get done. We are not like other outsourcing companies who need you to fit into their system. While we have a system for task management, we customize your tasks based on your priorities which may be totally different than the next person. Make sure you watch this entire video we created for you ~ Stay informed! Stay in the know!
Next Steps! : Are YOU Ready to Get Started?
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Check out what clients say about working with Get It Done For Me Virtual Services:

I wanted to thank you and your team for all your work. It really helped my site move up. It has made me one of the nations top real estate marketers. I can say that between just 5 of my websites I have placement on the first page of google for several thousand pages for different key words. Some pages I own it. Some of them have 6, 7, 8 placements of just my websites. On just my lake websites in Oakland County it is amazing that I have such high placement and multiple times. That is not even including my relocation site and my metro Detroit site. Or my multiple videos that you SEO'd I honestly can't think of many other real estate agents that have the internet presence I do now. (It would be interesting to know if anybody else in the nation has that kind of presence) And for that I thank you for sharing your knowledge.
Over the years I have read your articles and implemented techniques that have helped me. Little pieces have made the puzzle come together. Of course I have to thank a little angel that helped me in the beginning too. Mary helped me often.
Thanks again and may life always treat you well.
Warmest regards,
Russ Ravary
Not Ready to Get Started? Need some more information?
Check out the FAQ here to help you answer more questions.
Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:
How do I know what tasks are being done?
Where can I see the tasks that are completed?
What if I need to add on more hours to my block?
What if I get sick, get super busy, or go on vacation, do my tasks continue?
How do I get my tasks to you?
How do I reach you when I have a question?
Who do I notify on Trello, who do I tag?
What happens if you have to go over my hours or if you are under my hours I order?

The owner Katerina is all about excellence! I've known her for over 10 years and everything she touches works out incredibly well. Her clients know, like and trust her to put their needs up front and center.
Anna Kruchten // Team Manager of Phoenix Property
Downloads/Resources (Click to view or right click to download)
Download the Checklist~ What You Need to Provide
How GIDFM Works Behind the Scenes for You
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Copyright © by Katerina Gasset, Coach Katerina LLC,
Get It Done For Me Virtual Services | 2016 - 2018
* All Rights Reserved*