Virtual Assistants vs Social Media Manager

Social media management is where I find most businesses need help. Hiring a social media manager should be at the top of your list of hires. 

You may be tempted to hire a general virtual assistant to handle all of your tasks, including your social media. But this would be a mistake because it takes specialized training to be a social media manager. 

We have virtual assistants who specialize in social media management and that is all they do. 

Our social media managers are certified. Our company, Get It Done For Me Virtual Services is a Certified Partner of Digital Marketer. Digital Marketer has the best internet marketing training.

A virtual assistant is someone who can provide the help you need with general tasks. Their work checklist depends on the kind of company you have. They are pretty much order takers. 

In contrast, a social media manager is qualified to manage your social media accounts. Social media managers do the following: 

  • Study your brand 
  • Learn your voice 
  • Research your avatar 
  • Create your post templates 
  • Develop your editorial calendar 
  • Research topics 
  • Engage with your audience 
  • Reply to comments 
  • Share relevant industry posts 
  • Grow your following 
  • Promote your brand 
  • Boost your posts 
  • Create graphics 
  • Develop community 
  • Tracking and analytics

In this guide, I will explain the key roles and responsibilities of VAs and SMMs. What can they do for your business, and how they can help you scale:

What does a Virtual Assistant do?

A virtual assistant can help you get your tasks done. You work with your VA with your SOPs and checklists.

You need to spend time training your virtual assistant. She or he won't know what to do unless you guide them. But with our VAs - you get highly trained virtual assistants who will be guiding you more than you will be guiding them.

Your virtual assistant can do anything from managing your emails to scheduling appointments. Your VA is your go-to person to help you with your day-to-day operations.

A Virtual Assistant can help you with tasks such as:

  • Content creation
  • Customer service
  • Administrative tasks
  • Calendar management
  • Bookkeeping
  • Executing marketing campaigns
  • Writing emails
  • Website updates
  • Transaction coordination
  • Appointment scheduling

Your virtual assistant’s job is not limited to this list. VAs can do anything for your business as long as you instruct them what to do and how to do it. 

I explored all the advantages of hiring a virtual assistant for small businesses in one of my recent blog posts. Click on the link to read more about it.

What is a Social Media Manager?

A social media manager is a person-in-charge in charge of monitoring social media platforms. Social media managers study your brand, product offerings, and your voice. 

Your social media VA studies the niche your business belongs to. After that, social media managers analyze the type of posts and which day and time would work for your demographics.

Social media vas make templates and branding efforts that will set you apart from competitors. Social media managers do not need you to direct them. They direct you since they are certified in what they do. 

An SMM can help you with tasks such as:

  • Implementing content strategies
  • Planning digital campaigns
  • Identifying customer interaction trends
  • Use social media marketing tools for booting company brand
  • Set key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • Handle messaging tasks and interacts with customer queries and other stakeholders
  • Tend to customers' comments
  • Supervising customer service
  • Edit production
  • Video creation
  • Profile set up
  • Publishing posts

Instagram is one of the social media platforms your Social Media Manager is tasked to manage. Check out these proven Instagram tips that will move your business' social media footprint forward!

Can a VA be a social media manager too?

Virtual assistants and social media managers have different skill sets. There are things that only a social media manager is skilled in doing. For instance, monitoring the social media growth and content research. Social media VAs are experts in making a marketing plan for you.

SMMs breathe social media marketing. They are the most qualified hires to take over your social media channels.

A VA can manage your social media accounts. But, they are not social media managers. 

There is a downside to delegating the social media management tasks to a general VA. They might get too preoccupied with other administrative tasks that they lose focus on growing your channels.

VAs can still assist SMMs in carrying out tasks such as publishing posts.

Virtual assistants can help almost any business run smoothly, including those inclined in the health and wellness industry. Find out how VAs can help therapists become more efficient in their practice by visiting this link:

Should I get both?

Doing all of your tasks yourself is necessary when you first start your business. However, you will never be able to grow and scale your company if you only work in your business and not on your business.

Hire your general VA to help take some of your repeatable tasks off your plate. Then hire a social media manager to help you scale and grow.

Your VA and your SMM will work hand-in-hand to grow your business. Having a VA will give you more time on other tasks as they will handle the administrative tasks for you. 

Hiring the Right People for the Right Tasks

Hire the best outsourcers for your specific needs.

Our full-service team of virtual professionals are ready to get you going.

Katerina Gasset is the owner and founder of Get It Done For Me Virtual Services.

And, COO, Daisy Santos creates all our SOPs and trainings for our team of virtual professionals, such as:

  • Social Media Pro Certification
  • Certified Customer Acquisition Specialist
  • Certified LeadPages™ Conversion Specialist
  • IDX Broker Approved Web Developer
  • Certified Digital Marketing Funnel Expert

Get It Done for Me Virtual Services is a Digital Marketer Certified Partner. 

Get started today! Text to: (561) 463-5831


Social Media Manager, Social Media VA, Virtual Assistants

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